Can you wash a comforter at dwelling? You can, and yous should! Comforters don't become as muddy as other bedding, but they harbor allergens that can bear upon slumber. That'southward why it's important to know how to launder a comforter the correct way. Luckily, washing a comforter, even a down i, is almost as easy as tackling a load of laundry. Not merely does a clean comforter feel and smell great, but information technology besides prolongs the life of the fibers and fabric. Learning how to launder a comforter at habitation is easier than you think.

HOW TO WASH A Downward COMFORTER AT Habitation

Comforters are categorized past the type of materials they're filled with. Pop fillings include down, polyester, wool, cotton and silk. The most mutual fillers are down or polyester and both can be washed at home. It'south a common misconception that down comforters have to be taken to a dry cleaner, but—unless the characterization specifically instructs otherwise—y'all can definitely wash it at dwelling.

Folded comforter

Footstep 1: Read the Comforter'south Care Characterization

Earlier you lot decide to use your washing machine, check the intendance label to encounter the manufacturer's cleaning instructions. Some materials, such equally wool or silk, can be damaged or shrink in the washer, and are best left to the professionals.

If the label gives you the okay to machine-wash, exist sure to follow any specific instructions, such equally using cold water or a specific cycle. While a comforter'southward intendance characterization should provide information, the next steps for how to wash a comforter will apply to most fabrics and fills.


Step two: Audit the Comforter for Stains or Holes

Examine your comforter for tears, loose seams, or other damage, and make repairs before y'all wash it. Any tears or loose thread could snag and cause even more damage. Stains should also exist treated before washing. Be sure to move the filling away from the stained area before treating the comforter.

Comforter and washer

Stride 3: Load the Comforter into the Washer

Place the comforter into your washing machine carefully. Whether you have a front-load or top load washer, your comforter needs room to agitate and tumble – it tin't get clean otherwise. If you have a elevation load washer with an agitator, let the comforter autumn loosely around the post and endeavour to keep the load balanced.

Use a large capacity washer that's large enough to accommodate your comforter with aplenty room to spare. Comforters should mostly be done on a beefy or bedding cycle using absurd or warm water. Utilize a small amount of balmy detergent and, if your washer allows, select the extra rinse choice to completely remove soap remainder from the comforter.


It'due south imperative to thoroughly dry a comforter. Expect the drying process to take effectually two to three hours for the comforter to go completely dry. Leaving any part of the comforter damp or wet can lead to mildew growth and mold. Due to their large size and bulky fill, drying a comforter can take a few actress steps.

Dryer ball

Pace 4: Load the Comforter into the Dryer

Bulky bedding like a comforter needs room to movement around for uniform drying. Dry on a low heat setting, unless the label says otherwise, and add ii or three dryer balls to the load and then that the filling moves around as information technology dries. This allows warm air to circulate more efficiently which can even help reduce drying time.

Maytag tip icon


When the comforter feels almost dry, allow information technology to hang so that fresh air can broadcast around it for a few hours and ensure the drying procedure is consummate before putting it on the bed.

Water droplet with checkmark.


To ensure the comforter dries evenly, remove the comforter from the dryer every one-half hour or so and fluff to redistribute the filling. Return to the dryer and go along the cycle until it is dry. Some dryers, such equally Maytag® dryers with Advanced Moisture Sensing, monitor inside moisture and air temperatures to help loads get evenly dry out.


A duvet is an insert that works as the make full for a protective case or duvet embrace. Remember to remove your duvet cover before washing—duvets should be washed separately per our steps in a higher place and covers can exist done with other bedding.

How Often Should You Wash Your Comforter or Duvet?

Unlike your bedsheets and pillowcases, which should be washed every week or ii, your comforter doesn't require frequent cleanings. Unless yous spill something, cleaning your comforter or duvet ii-4 times per year should exist plenty. If your comforter is seasonal, information technology's recommended y'all go through the cleaning process before and after each storage.

Blue comforter on a bed.

Demand a Bigger Washer for Comforters and Other Large Items?

If y'all're in need of more infinite to wash a comforter or duvet, consider a big chapters front load, top load impeller or acme load agitator washer to meet your laundry needs. Meliorate yet, tackle large loads with a matching large capacity dryer. Many Maytag® large capacity washers are big enough to have on the big loads you throw at them.

A laundry room with a Maytag® washing machine and dryer.

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